Tiedote 5.10.2020

Ilmarinen jumps to the top among global investors in climate reporting

PRI Leaders’ Group is the PRI’s annual recognition of exemplary climate-related reporting by its signatories who promote responsible investment practices.

“Being named in the PRI Leaders’ Group is wonderful recognition. We have carried out long-term work to promote responsible investment and developed industry practices together with many other operators,” says Ilmarinen’s Chief Investment Officer Mikko Mursula.

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is a collaborative organisation for responsible investment launched in 2006 based on a UN initiative. Ilmarinen became a PRI signatory that same year.

The PRI theme in 2020 was climate reporting, and signatories had to demonstrate how they align their organisation with the reporting recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Climate change was the theme this year because the PRI initiative signatories assessed it as the highest priority in responsible investment and as a material risk in investment operations.

Signatories who make it onto the PRI Leaders’ Group list are chosen based on the information they provide in their PRI reports. This year, the PRI assessed signatories’ climate-related targets, executive management’s support for climate actions and the consideration of climate risks in investment operations, among other things.

“It is important for players in the sector to share best practices and apply them in their own operations. The more investors, for example, require their investees to set emission reduction targets and implement emission reduction measures the way we do, the more weight the requirements will have. At the same time, this brings us closer to our goal of investing the pension assets under our management in a carbon-neutral way by the end of 2035,” says Mursula.

Responsible investment is a central part of investment risk management at Ilmarinen. Taking risks related to the environment, human rights and governance into account in all investment decisions is a key element of secure and profitable pension fund investment.

“The openness of our operations and our practices is important to us. That is why we have published our PRI reports, as well as the assessments related to them carried out by the PRI, on our website. In addition, all of the responsible investment principles and related practical guidelines concerning our investment operations are public and can be found on our website,” says Karoliina Lindroos, Ilmarinen’s Head of Responsible Investments.

You can read the PRI Leaders’ Group report on the PRI’s website.

Further information:

Karoliina Lindroos, Head of Responsible Investments, tel. +358 40 577 2203


Tiedote 14.6.2024

Ilmarisen suhdanneindeksi: Työntekijämäärän lasku hidastui

Työntekijämäärä laski toukokuussa Ilmarisen suhdanneindeksiin kuuluvissa yrityksissä -3,0 prosenttia vuoden takaiseen verrattuna. Seuratuista toimialoista eniten laskivat henkilöstövuokraus, rakentaminen sekä majoitus- ja ravitsemusala. Alueellisesti tarkasteltuna työntekijämäärä laski edelleen joka puolella Suomea.

Ilmarisen suhdanneindeksi: Työntekijämäärän lasku hidastui

Uutinen 10.6.2024

Ilmarinen näkyy Finanssialalle-Instagramissa

Ilmarisen kesätyöntekijät ylläpitävät tällä viikolla "Finanssialalle" Instagram-tiliä. Tarkoituksena on tehdä työskentelyä Ilmarisessa ja koko finanssialalla tunnetuksi.

Ilmarinen näkyy Finanssialalle-Instagramissa
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