Ilmarisen toimistorakennus ulkoa, kuvituskuva.
Uutinen 25.3.2020

Flexibility in YEL and TyEL payments due to the corona situation

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has confirmed an exceptional provision to the terms of TyEL and YEL insurance policies that allows for flexibility in payments. The exception applies to invoices that are due between 20 March 2020 and 30 June 2020. These invoices may be afforded a three-month extension.

Updated on 24 April 2020 regarding YEL insurance contributions.

You can find the terms and conditions of the insurance contracts here:

the Employees Pensions Act (TyEL)
the Self-employed Persons’ Pensions Act (YEL)

The following arrangements concerning the insurance contributions are in effect at Ilmarinen. 

Changes to YEL insurance contributions

We have given your YEL invoices due between 20 March 2020 and 30 June 2020 a three-month extension. This means that you can pay the invoice either by the due date or within three months of it. The changes take effect automatically.

If you use electronic invoicing and want to take advantage of the extension, you need to change the due dates of your invoices. If you do not wish to take advantage of the extension, you can pay the invoice on the original due date. You may do so without notifying us.

We charge a 2% insurance contribution interest for the period after the original due date. The insurance contribution interest is a statutory part of the insurance contribution. The interest will be added to upcoming invoices. The insurance contribution interest accrues for the period between the original due date and the day the invoice is paid. No penalty interest will be charged for that period. If you pay the invoice by the original due date, no insurance contribution interest will be charged.

• Invoices due on 20 March 2020: the payment period has been extended until 22 June 2020. We will not send you a new invoice. You can make the payment using the information provided on the current invoice.

• Invoices due on 20 April 2020: the payment period has been extended until 20 July 2020. We will not send you a new invoice. You can make the payment using the information provided on the current invoice.

• Invoices due on 20 May 2020: the payment period has been extended until 20 August 2020. We will send you an invoice in late April.

• Invoices due on 22 June 2020: the payment period has been extended until 21 September 2020. We will send you an invoice in late May.

We recommend that you use our online service, as our telephone service is currently receiving a large amount of corona-related inquiries.You can take care of YEL matters by logging in to the online service with your personal online banking codes. If you also handle TyEL matters, you need the user ID and password sent by Ilmarinen to log in. If you would like your YEL and TyEL insurances to be combined under the same user ID, send us a message via the online service and tell us about your need. You can send the message in the online service using the envelope icon on the right side of your screen.

Below you can find examples of how the insurance contribution interest affects the amount of the insurance contribution over the 3-month extension period.

Insurance contribution, € 2% insurance contribution
interest for 3 months, ~ €
200 1
400 2
600 3
800 4
1,000 5
2,000 10

Changes to TyEL insurance contributions

You may postpone the due dates of the TyEL invoices that are due between 20 March 2020 and 30 June 2020 (concerning the salaries paid out between February and May).

The new due date can fall within five months after the salaries were paid out. For example, if the insurance contribution for the salaries paid in March is due on 30 April 2020, you can postpone the due date up to 30 August 2020. An insurance contribution interest of 2% is added after the end of the month following the month in which the salaries were paid out.

Change the due date online

You can change the due date of your TyEL invoice in our online service. We hope you make the changes as soon as possible.

If you do not have an account for our online service, please apply for one by filling out Ilmarinen's online service agreement. You can return the form online on this page by using the secure message, or via mail to Keskinäinen Eläkevakuutusyhtiö Ilmarinen, PL 2, 00018 Ilmarinen.

We recommend that you use our online service, as our telephone service is currently receiving a large amount of corona-related inquiries.

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Uutinen 18.6.2024

Työeläkevakuutuksen ostaminen on nyt helppoa ja nopeaa

Verkkosivuiltamme voi nyt ostaa työeläkevakuutuksen entistä helpommin. Panostimme erityisesti saavutettavuuteen, käytettävyyteen ja selkeyteen, jotta vakuutushakemuksen täyttäminen olisi mahdollisimman sujuvaa.

Työeläkevakuutuksen ostaminen on nyt helppoa ja nopeaa
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