Ilmarinen to ring bell at New York Stock Exchange in the name of responsible investment
Ilmarinen was involved in developing new ETF that invests in the sustainability benchmark index. To commemorate the listing of the new fund, Ilmarinen together with DWS Group will ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange.
The new Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) tracks the MSCI ESG index. The index is based on companies’ sustainability performance in environment, social and governance (ESG) issues. It includes a selection of the best-rated companies in US markets in each sector that represent 50 per cent of the market value of the corresponding parent index.
“Responsibility has been an integral part of Ilmarinen’s investment activities for a long time now, and it is incorporated in our decision-making. We believe that a company that operates sustainably is a better investment in the long run, also in financial terms, and that by investing responsibly we will secure the best possible return for Finnish pensioners,” states Anna Hyrske, Head of Responsible Investment at Ilmarinen.
Ilmarinen uses its own sustainability ratings, which have been integrated in the company’s investment decisions. In addition, Ilmarinen has adopted ESG indices as benchmarks for its own investment operations. The change is intended to encourage portfolio managers to place even greater emphasis on sustainable companies in their active stock selection.
“In terms of passive investment, there have been fewer ESG options available so far. It’s great that more alternatives are entering the markets, and we are eager to help develop them in collaboration with various partners. For an institutional investor such as Ilmarinen, investing in passive index funds is an important part of diversifying investments,” says Hyrske.
At the time of its listing on the NYSE, Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF was the largest in history to invest in an ESG index. Ilmarinen has invested more than EUR 700 million in the fund.
The NYSE closing-bell ceremony will take place on Thursday, 14 March 2019, at 4.00 p.m. local time. Representing Ilmarinen at the event will be Head of Equity Allocation and Funds Juha Venäläinen and Head of Responsible Investments Anna Hyrske. Representing DWS Group the bell ringing are among many, Fiona Bassett, Global Co-Head of Passive Asset Management and Global Co-Head of Product and Peter Lidblom, Head of Passive Product Sales, Nordics.
For more information, please contact:
Anna Hyrske, Head of Responsible Investments, tel: +358 400 271 371,
Juha Venäläinen, Head of Equity Allocation and Funds, tel: +358 50 575 8618,
Nimityksiä Ilmarisessa
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