Taivas ja rakennuksen lasi-ikkunat, kuvituskuva.
Tiedote 21.3.2018

Sustainability at Ilmarinen 2017: Towards sustainable development

In 2017, Ilmarinen not only increased the pension assets under its management but also invested them profitably, securely and responsibly. Our investments in sustainable solutions increased. We also built a better working life efficiently together with our customers.

Our investments in sustainable solutions grew last year. At the end of 2017, they covered 7.5 per cent of the net sales of our direct listed equity investments. Their share grew by 1.8 percentage points from the previous year. Most of the growth came from net sales linked to climate change, which includes investments in energy efficiency, sources of energy replacing fossil fuels and green building. Also the share of investments linked especially to the availability of clean water and preventing emissions grew. Altogether, our investments in companies focused on sustainable development stood at EUR 517 million.

Of the equity portfolio’s direct listed equity investments, 39 per cent targeted companies that receive net sales from sustainable development solutions. A year earlier the corresponding share was 29 per cent.

The Climate Policy steering our investment operations helps us to reach our investment targets and take into account the limits the climate sets on the economy. We joined the Climate Action 100+ initiative, through which international investors aim to engage with more than a hundred of the world’s largest producers of greenhouse gas emissions.

Ilmarinen also engages through the Nordic Engagement Cooperation (NEC) investor organisation with companies in whose operations the NEC’s members wish to see improvements. Last year, eleven companies were engaged with through the NEC.

Recognition for long-term work

Our long-term efforts to further responsible investments and, in particular, take climate impacts into account, received international recognition from various organisations. We were placed in the highest AAA rating in the global climate organisation AODP’s index, which compares the carbon risk management of the world’s largest investors. The environmental organisation WWF also ranked Ilmarinen and other Finnish pension companies at the top in Europe in terms of how well their investments are aligned with the goals of the Paris climate agreement.

In our real estate investments, we broadened the environmental classification of our properties by including old properties. During 2017, we started up a project with the goal of attaining LEED certification for a total of 12 of our existing properties. Our target is to reduce the carbon footprint of our real estate portfolio by 10 per cent by 2020 from the 2016 level, and by 20 per cent by 2025.

Building a better working life

In addition to taking care of pension cover, Ilmarinen offers its customer companies services to support work capacity and a better working life, which also holds great significance to society. During 2017, Ilmarinen had more than 2,300 different coaching or other projects for improving working life underway in co-operation with customers. These projects covered around 135,000 employees insured with Ilmarinen.

A total of 44 coaching sessions and webinars based on the Better Working Life concept were also organised for customer companies around Finland. In addition, we started up a new type of coaching, Työkykymestari, through which our customer companies receive tools for maintaining the work capacity of their personnel.

In 2017, altogether some 3,500 vocational rehabilitation applicants received confirmation of support for changing careers or returning to work. The increase from the previous year was approximately 2.5 per cent. More than 70 per cent of Ilmarinen’s rehabilitees returned to working life. During 2017, we piloted a new type of vocational rehabilitation, which also involves activation through exercise. Adding elements related to physical performance to rehabilitation is a new feature. 

Responsibility for employees’ well-being

We support our employees’ well-being and good energy in a number of ways. Our remodelled office space is ergonomic and practical. We focus on healthy nutrition and our activation coach activates and helps employees. The work has paid off: absences due to illness among personnel declined by 14 per cent from the previous year. Thanks to the increase in remote work, the work efficiency of pension processors has improved by approximately 25 per cent.

We came second in the Responsible Summer Job competition and received praise particularly for a good application process. We organised recruitment coaching for people who had applied for a summer job, through which we also wanted to acknowledge the applicants who were not selected this time round. Lengthening careers, also at their beginning, fits in perfectly with the role of earnings-related pension companies. 

Sustainability at Ilmarinen

Sustainability is at the core of Ilmarinen’s operations. We are a mutual company owned by our customers.

Through our statutory basic task, we manage an essential part of the social security of Finns. We are responsible for the earnings-related pension cover of more than 1.1 million Finns. As we see it, sustainability also strengthens our reputation and supports our business. We use a number of sustainability indicators to measure day-to-day business and set targets.

Ilmarinen has reported on its financial, social and environmental responsibility since 2007. For the third time, the Sustainability Report follows the guidance of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

In addition to the Sustainability Report, Ilmarinen publishes an online Annual Report. 

For more information, please contact:

Jaakko Kiander, Chief Communications Officer, +358 50 583 8599
Tiina Landau, Senior Advisor, Responsible Investments, tel. +358 45 671 1286

For more information:


Tiedote 14.6.2024

Ilmarisen suhdanneindeksi: Työntekijämäärän lasku hidastui

Työntekijämäärä laski toukokuussa Ilmarisen suhdanneindeksiin kuuluvissa yrityksissä -3,0 prosenttia vuoden takaiseen verrattuna. Seuratuista toimialoista eniten laskivat henkilöstövuokraus, rakentaminen sekä majoitus- ja ravitsemusala. Alueellisesti tarkasteltuna työntekijämäärä laski edelleen joka puolella Suomea.

Ilmarisen suhdanneindeksi: Työntekijämäärän lasku hidastui

Uutinen 10.6.2024

Ilmarinen näkyy Finanssialalle-Instagramissa

Ilmarisen kesätyöntekijät ylläpitävät tällä viikolla "Finanssialalle" Instagram-tiliä. Tarkoituksena on tehdä työskentelyä Ilmarisessa ja koko finanssialalla tunnetuksi.

Ilmarinen näkyy Finanssialalle-Instagramissa
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