Ilmarisen toimistorakennus ulkoa, kuvituskuva.
Uutinen 20.11.2018

Best Use of Private Equity -Award for Ilmarinen

Ilmarinen won the “Best Use of Private Equity” award on 15 November at the Nordic Alternatives Summit in Helsinki. The winners were voted by other institutional investors, which makes the recognition particularly significant.

Ilmarinen's Head of Private Equity Jukka Reijonen says that the award is again a great recognition for Ilmarinen's long-term and successful approach in private equity investment.

- The right strategic priorities and fund selections are the basis for successful investment in PE. We have had good results with a relatively small team thanks to long-term and responsible work.  Great team work and good support from the entire organization are the keys for success, says Jukka Reijonen.

The value of Ilmarinen's investment assets at the end of 2017 was EUR 39.3 billion and the return on the investment portfolio last year was 7.2 per cent. Private equity investments accounted for 6.6 per cent of Ilmarinen's investments, with a return of 14.7 per cent. Net returns for Ilmarinen’s PE investments since 2005 to the end of 2017 are 17 per cent pa.

Ilmarinen's private equity team includes senior portfolio managers Mikko Räsänen and Katja Salovaara, portfolio managers Pekka Ahlajärvi and Ilja Ripatti, as well as analyst Eero Vesa.

The Nordic Alternatives Summit is organized by Institutional Investor.

Awards in different series:
Alternatives Investments Team of the Year – PensionDanmark
Best Use of Hedge Funds – The State Pension Fund of Finland
Best Use of Real Estate – Danica Pension
Best Use of Private Equity –Ilmarinen
Best Use of Private Debt –PensionDanmark
Best Use of Infrastructure –Skandia


Uutinen 30.5.2024

Yhtiökokouskaudella huomio erityisesti johdon palkitsemiseen

Työeläkeyhtiö Ilmarinen osallistui kevään yhtiökokouskaudella 109 kotimaiseen yhtiökokoukseen. – Kiinnitimme jälleen tällä yhtiökokouskaudella huomiota erityisesti palkitsemisraportteihin ja palkitsemispolitiikkoihin, Ilmarisen vastuullisen sijoittamisen johtaja Karoliina Lindroos kertoo.

Yhtiökokouskaudella huomio erityisesti johdon palkitsemiseen
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