Tiedote 26.10.2018

Ilmarinen invests in office property in Luxembourg

Ilmarinen has expanded its real estate investments to Luxembourg. Following the real estate transaction, Ilmarinen owns half of a new office building in the country’s capital.

The property named Alter Domus is located in the popular Cloche d’Or business district. The 11-storey building has a lettable area of around 11,700 square metres. The building is fully let to Alter Domus, a leading global trust provider.

“Completed this autumn, Alter Domus was designed to the highest standards. It offers modern, adaptable and environmentally efficient office space, as proven by the BREEAM Very Good certification,” says Mikko Antila, Ilmarinen’s Head of International Real Estate.

The property’s co-owner is a French institutional investor and the property will be managed by the German Hannover Leasing Investment GmbH. Ilmarinen has co-operated previously with both parties in real estate investments in Europe.

Ilmarinen’s investment strategy includes the aim of increasing the international diversification of the real estate portfolio. The acquired office property is the company’s first direct real estate investment in Luxembourg.  Ilmarinen has previously made investments in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK and the U.S.

For further information, please contact:

Mikko Antila, Head of International Real Estate, tel. +358 50 577 9066


Uutinen 26.6.2024

Ilmarisen viestintäjohtaja vaihtuu

Ilmarisen viestintä- ja yhteiskuntasuhdejohtaja ja johtoryhmän jäsen Kaisa Ala-Laurila on irtisanoutunut ja siirtyy uusiin tehtäviin yhtiön ulkopuolelle. Hän jatkaa työskentelyä Ilmarisessa vuoden 2024 viimeiselle neljännekselle saakka.

Ilmarisen viestintäjohtaja vaihtuu
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