Ilmarisen sijoituskohde, toimistokiintestö Rotterdamissa.
Tiedote 16.8.2018

Ilmarinen expands its real estate investments in the Netherlands

Ilmarinen has invested in an office property in Rotterdam, Europe’s busiest port city.

After the real estate transaction, Ilmarinen owns half of the office building called Central Post. The other owner is a German institutional investor. Acting as the buyers’ advisor in the acquisition, Hannover Leasing, will also be responsible for the management of the property.

“The investment is well in line with Ilmarinen’s strategy, according to which we seek international diversification for our real estate portfolio in a profitable and secure manner. The long and diversified lease profile of the building accompanied with the relatively competitive return level of the Rotterdam office market, makes the investment compelling,” says Mikko Antila, Ilmarinen’s Head of International Real Estate.

Central Post was built as a post distribution centre in the 1950s. It was refurbished as a modern office property in 2009 and 2010. The refurbishment included upgrades to the building’s energy efficiency by, for instance, doubling the glass facade and installing energy efficient lift and lighting systems.

The building, which is an iconic part of the cityscape, is located next to the main railway station in the heart of Rotterdam. The total floor area of the property is 38,000 m2. The current occupancy rate is 100 per cent and the largest tenants include the Lyondell Basell chemical company, media house De Persgroep and the state company ProRail, which maintains the Dutch railway network.

For more information, please contact:

Mikko Antila, Head of International Real Estate, tel. +358 050 5779066

Picture: M. Hofmans


Uutinen 30.5.2024

Yhtiökokouskaudella huomio erityisesti johdon palkitsemiseen

Työeläkeyhtiö Ilmarinen osallistui kevään yhtiökokouskaudella 109 kotimaiseen yhtiökokoukseen. – Kiinnitimme jälleen tällä yhtiökokouskaudella huomiota erityisesti palkitsemisraportteihin ja palkitsemispolitiikkoihin, Ilmarisen vastuullisen sijoittamisen johtaja Karoliina Lindroos kertoo.

Yhtiökokouskaudella huomio erityisesti johdon palkitsemiseen
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