YEL income as the basis for an entrepreneur’s pension insurance

Self-employed person’s pension insurance, i.e. YEL insurance, is the basis for an entrepreneur’s pension and social security. Your pension, social security benefits and YEL contributions will be calculated based on your YEL income. On this page you can read more about estimating, determining and changing YEL income, and see the YEL income limits.

What is YEL income and what does it impact?

YEL income is the monetary value of your work input. YEL income is not your taxable income, the salary you pay yourself or your company’s profit or sales.

The YEL income is used as the basis for calculating the pension that you accrue from your entrepreneurship and your YEL insurance contribution. Also the allowances paid by Kela, such as sickness and parental allowances, are calculated based on your YEL income. It also defines the level of your unemployment security and voluntary accident insurance.

We review YEL income together with the self-employed

As of 2023, pension companies are obligated to regularly review that entrepreneurs’ YEL income meets the recommendations and corresponds with the work input.

Read more about the YEL income reviews

How do I estimate my YEL income?

When you estimate your YEL income, think about it like this: how much would you pay a person with the same competence as you to do your job for the space of a year?

An entrepreneur’s YEL income is always determined on an annual basis, regardless of when your YEL insurance begins. For example, if your YEL insurance begins on 1 March 2025, your YEL income is estimated for the period 1 March 2025–28 February 2026.

You can use the YEL income calculator below to estimate an indicative YEL income recommendation. The recommendation is based on your estimated turnover and your sector. In addition to the recommendation, the calculator provides a 30-per-cent leeway, by which you can deviate from the recommendation, either up or down. All of the pension insurance companies use the Finnish Centre for Pensions’ joint calculation service.

When you apply for insurance or change your YEL income in our online service, you can provide more information on the quality and scope of your entrepreneurial activities. The YEL income recommendation shown by the service also takes your earnings from other work into consideration.

Calculate YEL income recommendation

With the calculator, you can calculate a business sector specific indicative work income recommendation for full-time entrepreneurship. Use it like this:

  1. Enter an estimate of your future 12-month turnover.
  2. Select your main business sector from the drop-down menu.
  3. Press the button "Calculate recommendation".

Your recommendation


The recommendation has +- 30% maneuver. Based on the information you provided, we recommend placing your YEL income in between  €/year

Your YEL income affect the amount of pension you gain from your entrepreneurship. It also affects to your other social security, such as earnings and pensions in voluntary accident insurance policy, Kela's daily allowances and unemployment allowances.

When can you deviate from the YEL income recommendation?

If the YEL income recommendation given by the calculator and the maximum 30-per-cent larger or smaller leeway do not sufficiently take into account the value of your work input, it is possible to deviate from the YEL income recommendation for a justified reason. You can read more about these reasons below. If the YEL income you applied for deviates from the leeway offered by the recommendation, we will ask you for more information on your situation.

YEL income lower and upper limit

YEL income has lower and upper limits. The limits change annually in accordance with the wage coefficient confirmed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. If your YEL income is at least equal to the lower YEL income limit, you have the obligation to take out YEL insurance.

In 2025 the lower limit is EUR 9,208.43 and the upper limit is EUR 209,125. In 2024 the lower limit is EUR 9,010.28 and the upper limit is EUR 204,625. 

Year 2025 € / year
Year 2025Entrepreneurial activities must be insured if the self-employed person's work input is valued at more than € / year9,208.43
Year 2025The upper limit of YEL income for a self-eployed person is € / year209,125.00
Year 2025A self-employed person who is unemployed can collect basic daily allowance from Kela if his/her YEL income is at least € / year15,128.00 (14,803.00 in 2024)
Year 2025A Self-employed person can join the unemployment fund if his/her
YEL income is at least
€ / year15,128.00 (14,803.00 in 2024)


How does YEL income affect my income in various life situations?

The table shows which benefits paid by Kela or other parties your YEL income has an impact on.

Situation Benefit to be applied for Impact of earned income Who pays
SituationYou fall ill Benefit to be applied forDaily sickness allowance Impact of earned incomeYour daily sickness allowance is based
on your earned income
Who paysKela
SituationYou have a baby Benefit to be applied forParental allowance Impact of earned incomeThe allowance is based on your
earned income
Who paysKela
SituationYou lose your ability
to work due to an
accident or illness
Benefit to be applied forVocational rehabilitation and/or
disability pension
Impact of earned incomeThe compensation is based
on your earned income
Who paysEmployment pension insurance company
SituationYou lose your ability
to work or die due to
an accident
Benefit to be applied forCompensation from accident insurance;
daily allowance, rehabilitation,
survivor's pension etc.
Impact of earned incomeThe compensation is based on a sum
that is at most equal to your
earned income
Who paysNon-life insurance company
SituationYou lose your job Benefit to be applied forBasic daily allowance Impact of earned incomeTo accumulate the daily allowance, your earned
income must beat least EUR 15,128 in 2025 (EUR 14,803 in 2024) 
Who paysKela
Situation  Benefit to be applied forLabour Market Subsidy Impact of earned incomeA means-tested benefit when you are not entitled
to basic daily allowance
Who paysKela
SituationYou lose your job Benefit to be applied forEarnings-related daily allowance Impact of earned incomeTo accumulate the daily allowance, your earned
income must be at least EUR 15,128 in 2025 (EUR 14,803 in 2024)
Who paysThe Unemployment Fund for Entrepreneurs and the
Self-employed AYT
or the Finnish Unemployment
Fund for Entrepreneurs SYT
SituationYou want to work less or
take out part of your pension
Benefit to be applied forPartial early old-age pension Impact of earned incomeThe amount is either 25 or 50 percent calculated
from the pension that you have accrued by
the end of the year preceding your retirement
Who paysEmployment pension
insurance company
SituationYou age Benefit to be applied forOld-age pension or years-of-service-
pension (under certain conditions)
Impact of earned incomeThe pension is based on your
earned income
Who paysEmployment pension
insurance company
SituationYou die Benefit to be applied forSurvivors' pension Impact of earned incomeThe pension is based on your
earned income
Who paysEmployment pension
insurance company