Material to support work ability management
On this page you will find free work ability management forms, surveys and guides for our customers. Choose the most suitable ones for you and subscribe to them by e-mail!
Below you will find order forms for different materials. After submitting the order form, you will receive an e-mail from which you can download the material you have ordered.
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Materials for early support
Order How to address issues -guide
The guide summarizes the most important things you should keep in mind when talking to your employee.
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Order Early support in a nutshell -guide
The guide summarizes how to make early support as a part of management practices.
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Order Early support discussion -form
It is important to write down the key points agreed together in the early support discussion - this form will support that.
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Order a Returning-to-work discussion form
When employee returns to work after a sick leave, it may require changes in work or work environment. This form helps to systematically write down what has been agreed together.
Materials for occupational health collaboration
Order a guide for purchasing occupational health services
The guide contains advices for the purchaser of occupational health services. The topics are: is it worthwile to change and tender out, the preparation of a call for tenders, and the content and comparison of tenders.
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Order a comparison table for purchasing occupational health services
The comparison table helps to compare offers and their different aspects.
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Order a work ability assessment request form
An employer can request a work ability assessment from occupational health services if they suspect that the employee’s work ability has decreased due to their health condition. Both the supervisor’s and the employee’s views of the situation are included in the request for a work ability assessment.
Materials for promoting mental health
Order supervisor’s checklist for promoting mental health
From the checklist, you can see what you should consider in order to promote the mental health of your employees at your workplace.