Surveys – how are your employees doing?
Do you know how your employees are coping at work? The surveys will help you find out how they perceive their own work ability and work vibe.
Ask – it's worth it
Employing fit and healthy personnel will help your workplace succeed.
For example, you can use surveys to find out how your employees feel about their work ability and how stressed they think they are. The responses will help you to better target action where support is needed.
The surveys will become a permanent part of your work and workplace development You can do each survey on a cycle of your own choice, for example 4 times a year.
As an Ilmarinen customer, you can use the surveys free of charge. See how you can set up the surveys.
The overall situation in workplaces
Only half of companies have good digital tools for monitoring work ability and work ability management.
Source: Status of work ability management 2023 survey
Which survey would suit your situation?
Find out about work ability
The Work Ability survey gives you an overview of the risks to work ability in your workplace community. Your employees assess how stressed they feel and what resources they have. Each respondent receives personalised feedback based on their answers.
Investigate the vibe
The Organization Vibe survey summarises the strengths and development areas of your workplace community. The survey helps you find out what factors affect your employees well-being and work ability.
The Work Vibe survey is a short version of Organization Vibe survey. You can use it to gauge your personnel's experiences of work and the workplace.
Develop your activities
The Early Support questionnaire is used to find out how well the supervisors have mastered the operating model. ‘The results help you develop the model.
The Työterveysyhteistyö survey, cooperation with occupational health care, is a self-assessment tool that helps you identify the strengths and development areas of your occupational health collaboration.
It is easy to do the survey!
1. Select a survey
Begin by considering which survey is best suited to your situation.
2. Send the survey to your employees
Once you have decided on a suitable time for the survey, you can invite your employees to respond. Responding is also possible on a mobile device.
3. Encourage them to respond
Track the response rate was surveys running. Motivate your employees to respond to the survey – it is good for the whole team.
4. Go through the results together
Once the survey has been completed, you can create a report on the responses. You can use it to present the results to the teams.
5. Plan how to proceed
The results will help you to improve your work and practices. Our learning environment provides you with a guide with tips on how to process the results and make a development plan.
Start using Ilmarinen surveys
1. Get the necessary mandates
You can find the surveys in our online service.
We use the e-Identification service in our online service. This means that you are able to log in to our service using your personal online banking codes or a mobile certificate even when you are handling your company’s matters. For that purpose, you need either a register role or a mandate.
If you don't have a register role or mandate, read the instructions for getting and giving them.
2. Start using the service and start new personnel survey
Once you have the necessary mandates, you can access the surveys by logging into the online service. As an admin, you can administer email addresses, send surveys and read reports. If you need help, you can reach us on kyselytyokalut (at)
Check out our other services as well
Online learning environment
Take advantage of our short courses – complete them when it best suits you.
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Online sparring sessions
Our specialists can help you with questions related to work ability and rehabilitation.
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