Supervisor's occupational health collaboration

Engage in goal-oriented collaboration with your occupational health services. Your occupational health team will help you if you are worried about your employee’s work ability or wondering how you can address a concern.

Occupational health services support your supervisory work

When you are worried about your employee’s work ability or need the insight of a health professional, call or send an email to your workplace’s occupational health nurse or physician. Contact them as soon as possible. When problems persist, they tend to become more complicated and difficult.

Examples of situations where you can ask for support for your supervisory work from occupational health services:

  • You have noticed signs in your employee’s work performance or behaviour that lead you to suspect that they are stressed or suffer from health issues.  
  • You need to discuss your employee’s work ability with them and you would like to have some advice from occupational health services or have them participate in a work ability negotiation.  
  • You suspect that your employee has a substance abuse issue and you would like to have some support for referring them to treatment.  
  • Your employee has a work ability related issue that you would like to have assessed by a specialist in the form of a work ability assessment.  
  • Your coping as a supervisor is at risk and you would like to get guidance and support for work management from an occupational health psychologist.  
  • You need support for resolving conflicts in your work community. 

Your occupational health nurse or physician would be happy to help in these issues. The threshold for contacting them should be low.

Occupational health team at your service

Your occupational health partner assigns you a team comprised of professionals from various fields to give you access to the best specialists. Your workplace’s needs, work load factors and, risks, absences due to illness and their causes determine which professionals you will need in addition to the occupational health physician and nurse.

Your occupational health team is comprised of 

  • an occupational health physician  
  • an occupational health nurse 
  • an occupational health physiotherapist  
  • an occupational health psychologist  
  • and often a specialist in social services​. 

The occupational health physiotherapist provides you and your employees with advice and guidance on how you can manage the physical work load. If your employee has musculoskeletal problems, the occupational health physiotherapist helps you modify your employee’s work.

The occupational health psychologist helps you and your employee in managing the psychosocial work load. The occupational health psychologist also assists you in leadership that supports work ability.

A social services specialist is involved when looking into various support and rehabilitation forms.

Your multiprofessional occupational health team will be complemented by other professionals as required, such as specialists in occupational hygiene, ergonomics, agriculture, occupational sight, nutrition, speech and language therapy, technology and physical activity.

Did you know?

Smooth collaboration with occupational health services makes your supervisory work easier. Collaborate with your workplace’s occupational health services. To reach the maximum benefits, be in active contact with your workplace’s occupational health team in questions related to work ability.

Mental health at the workplace

Mental health challenges are commonplace at workplaces. When you understand how different temporary life crises or longer-term psychological challenges can affect work, you are also able to support your employees’ psychological work ability. Remember that the occupational health nurse, physician and psychologist can also help you with your own work related issues, health and stress management.

Read more about mental health

Occupational health collaboration in a supervisor’s daily work

Below you can find additional information on various topics related to occupational health collaboration, which are part of a supervisor’s daily work.