How to plan work ability knowledge management

The purpose of work ability management is to support business activities. That is why the goals of work ability knowledge management are set based on your company’s strategy. When you have defined the goals, focus on planning and selecting indicators.

Start by defining the goals

Business-driven and strategic work ability management means defining goals together, based on your company’s strategy. This is how you ensure that you have picked the right goals. Pick only a few goals at a time. When you have achieved them, you can set new ones.

Set long-term, medium-term, and short-term goals. The long-term goal describes the state that you are targeting. The medium-term and short-term goals help you proceed in the right direction.

Simple is beautiful also in work ability indicators

Next, select the indicators that suit your goals. They vary between companies. If you are unsure what the suitable indicators are, take a look at what others are measuring and what research findings say about suitable indicators.

The most important things when selecting indicators are that

  • they fit the goals you have set
  • the required data is available to you

Read more about setting work ability management indicators

When selecting indicators, consider whether they are monitoring, result or business indicators. It is important to separate indicators because they are interpreted from different standpoints. Employees, supervisors, and management have different needs, even when the measured phenomenon is the same.

Set work ability indicators

Start with the monitoring indicators that fit your goals and proceed towards the result and business indicators. This ensures that the indicators are compatible, the change can be implemented and that its financial impact can be ascertained.

Using result indicators, you can manage existing processes in your daily work. When your goal is short-term change, develop quantitative result indicators and set goals to improve them for employees and supervisors.

Business indicators are used to improve operations and strategic indicators help you achieve longer-term planning and budgeting. For medium- and long-term change indicators for management, select indicators that show relative shares.

You get what you measure

Decide the Key Performance Indicators (KPI). These are carefully selected, key indicators that are monitored closely and whose results you try to impact directly. A KPI has to simplify the phenomenon being measured sufficiently and the issues impacting it must be known. The KPI must also measure something that you can change in your company with decision making or actions. A KPI can be a monitoring, result or business indicator. Bear in mind that when selecting KPIs, you get what you measure.

Check out a list of the most common work ability risk indicators

Take a look at what personnel KPIs Ilmarinen uses in its operations