How to address difficult issues with an employee

If your employee is no longer able to carry out their normal tasks or you are otherwise worried about their behaviour, you should discuss the matter with them. However, sometimes it is hard to address difficult issues. We can provide tips for these situations.

“But it’s not my business” – or is it?

You should be worried when your employee’s concerns – regardless of whether they originate in working or private life – start to influence their work performance.

You may already notice subtle signs that something is not right before actual problems begin. These so-called tacit signals can be:

• difficulty concentrating and negligence
• memory issues
• prolonged workdays and frequent overtime 
• constant tardiness  
• neglecting responsibilities and timetables
• untidy appearance 
• decline in work motivation.

You should initiate a discussion if you notice even small changes in your employee’s behaviour. This ensures that problems do not escalate.

How do you discuss difficult issues?

We provide tips for addressing issues

  • How should you prepare for the discussion?
  • How do you lead the discussion?
  • What should you do during the discussion?
  • What happens after the discussion?

Help with an early support discussion