Working abroad as an entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, you need to insure yourself also outside Finland’s borders. As a rule, a self-employed person must arrange social insurance in accordance with the legislation in place in the country where the work is carried out. However, in some situations you go abroad to work as an entrepreneur while remaining covered by the social security system of your country of residence. This page provides you with more detailed information on insuring entrepreneurial activities abroad.

An entrepreneur going abroad from Finland

When you leave Finland to work as an entrepreneur abroad, you must, as a rule, arrange your pension and social security in the country where you work. However, you can carry out temporary entrepreneurial activities abroad while keeping your insurance under the Self-Employed Persons’ Pensions Act (YEL) in force in Finland. This depends on whether the country you work in is an EU/EEA country or Switzerland or whether the country in question has a social security agreement with Finland.

Great Britain departing from the EU affects how work abroad is insured. The new Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the Great Britain and EU came into force on 1 January 2021. Read more on Finnish Centre for Pensions' website (


Entrepreneur coming to Finland from abroad

When you live and work in Finland, you take care of your pension and social security by taking out YEL insurance. Your citizenship has no impact. You can take out YEL insurance also if you live in an EU/EEA country or Switzerland, instead of Finland.

However, you do not need to take out YEL insurance if you have an A1 certificate for a posted entrepreneur granted by another EU/EEA country or Switzerland or an A1 certificate attesting that you work as an entrepreneur in several countries. In that case, arrange your pension and social security in the country indicated by the certificate.

Otherwise, take out YEL insurance in Finland. Take it out with Ilmarinen.

Take out YEL insurance with Ilmarinen >

Example 1. You live in Russia but you work as an entrepreneur in Finland. You cannot insure your entrepreneurial activity in Finland because you do not live in Finland. Arrange your pension cover in Russia.

Example 2. You live in Estonia, but you pursue entrepreneurial activities only in Finland. According to EU legislation, the entrepreneurial activities take precedence over the residence requirement. You are covered by the Finnish social security system as far as your self-employed activity is concerned. Therefore, take out YEL insurance in Finland.

Pension from work carried out abroad

You will accrue pension in accordance with the practices in place in the country where you have insured yourself when working abroad. Working abroad may affect the amount of the Finnish earnings-related pension.

Read more about pension accrued from work carried out abroad
Read more about how to apply for pension from abroad

Do you need more information?

If you have any questions about insuring entrepreneurial activities abroad, turn to our specialists and send them a secure message via the self-employed person’s online service