Transfer your YEL insurance to us

It is possible to change your pension insurance company. Transferring to us is easy – just fill in the transfer application, and we will do the rest.

Why transfer your YEL insurance to us?

  • Your YEL insurance is safe with us, and we manage it with expertise and by listening to you.

  • If your work ability weakens, we'll help you so you can continue working as an entrepreneur.

  • Whether it's insurance or a pension, our skilled and flexible specialists are always there to help.


Transfer your YEL insurance now


More information on changing your pension company

You can transfer your YEL insurance if it has been valid for at least a year with your previous pension insurance company. We will always suggest the first possible starting date.

YEL transfer dates are agreed with the other pension companies. When you apply for a transfer, your insurance will be transferred to us after three months, on the next possible start date.

When you fill in the YEL transfer application        YEL insurance will transfer to us
When you fill in the YEL transfer application       31 Mar YEL insurance will transfer to us1 Jul
When you fill in the YEL transfer application       30 Jun YEL insurance will transfer to us1 Oct
When you fill in the YEL transfer application       30 Sep YEL insurance will transfer to us1 Jan
When you fill in the YEL transfer application       31 Dec YEL insurance will transfer to us1 Apr


Transfer YEL insurance


Are you unsure about something to do with transferring insurance? Call our insurance sales from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at +358 10 284 2385.

Contact us