If you are dissatisfied with the decision regarding your YEL-insurance

Ilmarinen’s decisions are based on earnings-related pension legislation. If you are not satisfied with the decision you received from us, you can seek to have it changed.

Appealing against the decision you received

If you are dissatisfied with the decision you have received, you may appeal against it within 30 days from when you were informed of the decision. Address your appeal to the Pension Appeal Board (Työeläkeasioiden muutoksenhakulautakunta TELK), but send it to Ilmarinen. TELK is an appeal instance that functions independently of the pension providers and the Finnish Centre for Pensions. If we accept your requested changes, we will rectify our decision ourselves.

How to file an appeal

An appeal must be filed in writing. The appeal must specify:

  • that it is addressed to the Pension Appeal Board
  • the decision that is being appealed
  • the changes you demand
  • the grounds for appeal
  • your name, personal identity number, address, and phone number.

You can provide attachments and additional documentation as a secure message. If necessary, you can also provide additional documentation at a later date. Any documents that you have previously sent to Ilmarinen do not need to be sent again.

How to send the appeal

There are three different ways to send the appeal. The self-employed person's online service is the fastest way. You can read more about the different ways below.

The self-employed person's online service

By logging in to the self-employed person’s online service using your online banking credentials.

If the appeal concerns your YEL income, after logging in, select Change your YEL income. Then select Complaint, fill in the information and send a notice. If your complaint does not concern YEL income, but something else like for example the duration of your insurance, select Send a message, then state what change you are applying for, and provide your reasons for the change.

You cannot send attachments via the online service. An appeal sent through the online service after logging in does not require a signature. However, the Pension Appeal Board may request that you sign the appeal at a later date.

Secure message

You can send your appeal as a secure message on our website under Contact us. Under Secure message, select An appeal for decision. Write appeal against a YEL decision as the subject of the message. You can also send attachments through the secure message.

By post

You can send the appeal by post to the address Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Appeal, P.O. Box 2, FI-00018 ILMARINEN. If you send the appeal by post, it must be signed. If someone else has lodged the appeal for you, authorise that person to take care of the matter on your behalf in a free-form power of attorney that includes your signature.

When does the appeal have to reach us?

The need to receive your appeal no later than the thirtieth day after you were informed of the decision. We consider you to have been informed of the decision on the seventh day after we mailed the decision to you.

Transfer of the appeal to the Pension Appeal Board

If we accept the changes you have requested, we will correct our decision ourselves. If we cannot rectify the decision according to your request, we will transfer your appeal and any documents related to your matter to the Pension Appeals Board. We will inform you of the tranfer.