A business subsidy helps you continue your self-employment or start a business

A business subsidy is financial support that allows you to acquire tools and machinery and assistive devices and equipment to make work easier. That way we make sure that you can earn an income as an entrepreneur.

In which situations can I apply for a business subsidy?

If your work ability has declined, take a look at Ilmarinen’s vocational rehabilitation. Its objective is for you to be able to work in a job that is suitable for your state of health.

When your company’s operating conditions are good, you can be granted a business subsidy as vocational rehabilitation. You can receive it:

  • for starting a new business
  • for adapting your entrepreneurial activities to suit your health
  • for self-employment.

The amount of business subsidy varies according to the applicant’s needs and situation.

The business subsidy can take the form of a loan or financial assistance. When starting a new business, the entrepreneur’s own financing, external financing and the business subsidy should each account for a third of the total financing. In any case, the business subsidy can be no more than half of the total financing of the business project. We usually grant the business subsidy as financial assistance.

For what purpose can I apply for a business subsidy?

You can apply for the business subsidy to acquire reasonably priced

  • tools and machinery
  • necessary assistive devices and equipment that make work easier for you.

If you are a first-time entrepreneur, you can also apply to us for a subsidy for a course that will help you work as an entrepreneur.

How do I apply for the business subsidy?

First apply to us for vocational rehabilitation. Attach to your application a rehabilitation plan stating that you are applying for the business subsidy as vocational rehabilitation. Also state the purpose for which you need the subsidy. Attach to your application a business plan and a profitability calculation so that we can assess your business’s operating conditions.

Read more about other vocational rehabilitation options
Read more about applying for rehabilitation

Our rehabilitation specialists are there to help you 

We will help you plan your return to work and find out about the available options. Contact us so we can talk some more. You can contact us by phone at the number +358 10 284 2610 (€ 0.084/minute) or by email at the address