Vocational rehabilitation decision
When we have processed your rehabilitation application, you can view the rehabilitation decision in the MyPension service. We will also send it to you by post to the address you have indicated.
What do I do after I receive a decision?
Draw up a rehabilitation plan in our MyPension service
You have received a preliminary decision on vocational rehabilitation. The purpose of vocational rehabilitation is to support your return to work in a job that suits your state of health. On our website you can read more about vocational rehabilitation options. Then create a plan for returning to work and send us the information – read more about it below.
Base the plan on your earlier know-how and experience
As vocational rehabilitation, we can support your return to work, for example, through a work trial, job coaching or retraining, if required. The content of your personal plan depends on your earlier training, work experience and your know-how and state of health. As vocational rehabilitation, we can support measures that we judge to be appropriate in your situation and that will help you continue working in a job that suits your health.
Look into options at your workplace
If your employment relationship or entrepreneurial activities are in force, look into your opportunities to return to work at your workplace together with your employer and occupational health services. If your workplace cannot offer tasks that suit your state of health or your employment relationship is no longer in force, consider other workplaces where your earlier know-how could be useful. If you need to, you can update your know-how through retraining to enable you to take on work that suits your state of health. The additional training can take the form of a course, a partial degree or an entirely new degree.
Send the information on your rehabilitation plan during the validity of the preliminary decision
You should begin creating your plan concerning returning to work, i.e. your rehabilitation plan, as soon as possible. Send your rehabilitation plan to us during the validity of the preliminary decision. You can check the validity period and the contact details of your dedicated rehabilitation specialist in the decision we sent you. Contact them if you need help in planning your vocational rehabilitation. You can submit the information on your rehabilitation plan to us by logging in to the MyPension service. If you sent us your rehabilitation plan together with your application, there is no need to send it again. Your rehabilitation specialist will contact you and provide further instructions.
Help for making a rehabilitation plan
We can help you create a plan for returning to work if it is not possible to return to your own workplace. Our career coach can help you look into suitable options for supporting your return to work.
Vocational rehabilitation and self-employed person’s pension insurance
You have received a preliminary decision on vocational rehabilitation. The purpose of vocational rehabilitation is to support your return to work in a job that suits your state of health. We will pay you rehabilitation allowance from the start of the vocational rehabilitation. Read more below about what you need to know about working as an entrepreneur while on vocational rehabilitation.
Will you continue in your own business?
If we support your return to your entrepreneurial activities through a work trial, you do not have to change the YEL income of your current YEL insurance. Usually a work trial is three months long, which means that your YEL insurance income can remain at the same level as before. If you do not yet have YEL insurance, you can take it out for example at Ilmarinen after the work trial.
If we support a longer work trial, job coaching or training as vocational rehabilitation and you simultaneously continue your self-employment, your work input and YEL income can affect how much rehabilitation allowance you receive during the vocational rehabilitation.
How does YEL income affect the amount of rehabilitation allowance?
We will pay you the full rehabilitation allowance if your YEL income does not exceed your earnings limit. The confirmed annual YEL income for your YEL insurance cannot be more than 12 times your earnings limit.
We will pay you partial rehabilitation allowance if your YEL income exceeds your earnings limit. The amount of partial rehabilitation allowance is half of the full rehabilitation allowance.Your personal earnings limit is half of your stabilised average earnings. You can check your earnings limit from your rehabilitation specialist.
Report changes in our online service
If your work input in your company changes when longer term vocational rehabilitation begins or during it, remember to also update your YEL income to correspond with the altered situation. Keep your rehabilitation specialist up to date on any changes.
Log in to the self-employed person’s online service to report any changes to your work input or YEL income or if you decide to end your self-employment. You can log in easily using your online banking credentials or a mobile certificate.
Instructions for workplace rehabilitation
We support you during workplace rehabilitation. During your workplace rehabilitation, your tasks and job description will be changed to match your health. The objective is to enable you to continue working in a job that suits your health. Workplace rehabilitation can consist of a work trial or longer job coaching. Read more about rehabilitation allowance, its payment, taxation and reimbursement of expenses on our website. These instructions are a one-stop shop for information on the progress of your workplace rehabilitation and what you need to remember. Your rehabilitation specialist is always happy to help.
Your income during workplace rehabilitation
An agreement has been created for the duration of your workplace rehabilitation. Ilmarinen will pay you rehabilitation allowance for the duration of your workplace rehabilitation. We will also take out statutory accident insurance for you. If you receive pay for your workplace rehabilitation, your employer will pay you a full monthly salary and be responsible for taking out accident insurance for you, and for paying other statutory contributions. We will then pay the monthly benefit to your employer based on the pay information in the agreement.
Travel expenses
We will reimburse your travel expenses for the workplace rehabilitation period based on the recommendations of the Finnish Pension Alliance TELA. Apply for reimbursement conveniently in our MyPension service. For more information on reimbursement of expenses visit our website. We will not reimburse your travel expenses incurred during a paid work trial, but you can deduct them in your taxation.
Report changes
If for some reason your workplace rehabilitation does not start as planned or you have to interrupt it, please contact your rehabilitation specialist as soon as possible. Also contact them if you have absences or a sick leave of more than a week, your duties change or you are laid off temporarily. Benefits paid unduly or erroneously may be recovered later.
Monitoring and assessment
The workplace contact person and occupational health services or another party monitoring your health are responsible for monitoring during the workplace rehabilitation. When the workplace rehabilitation ends, we will ask your employer to provide an email assessment of how successful the period was.
Objective is to continue working
In the best-case scenario you will become employed after the workplace rehabilitation is over. If your employer is not able to offer you employment after the workplace rehabilitation, you can receive support for finding employment through the TE services.
Instructions for students
You are beginning your studies as part of vocational rehabilitation. Retraining supported as vocational rehabilitation can help you transition to new tasks that are suitable for your state of health. Read more about rehabilitation allowance, its payment, taxation and reimbursement of expenses on our website. These instructions are a one-stop shop for information for your study period.
Submit Ilmarinen’s study certificate
Ask a representative of your educational institution to fill in Ilmarinen’s study certificate on our website when your studies begin and every autumn while your face-to-face studies continue, for as long as you continue your studies. It is important to fill in Ilmarinen’s own study certificate form because it contains all of the information we need. Based on the study certificate, we will continue paying your rehabilitation allowance, monitor the progress of your studies and pay you the reimbursement for expenses incurred due to your studies.
Your income during studies – remember to send your tax card
You will receive rehabilitation allowance from us for the duration of your studies. Send us your tax card when your studies start and at the start of each year. If you work while studying, remember to check your personal earnings limit.
Once every study year, we will provide you with a reimbursement of expenses resulting from your studies. You do not need to apply separately for the reimbursement. We will pay the reimbursement when we have received Ilmarinen’s study certificate filled in by the educational institution’s representative.
If you have housing and travel expenses during your studies, you can be reimbursed for them too. The most convenient way to claim reimbursement is in our MyPension service. Our website has more information on reimbursement of travel and housing expenses.
Report changes
If your studies are interrupted, problems occur in your studies or they are delayed due to sick leave, for example, contact your rehabilitation specialist as soon as possible. Also contact them if you graduate earlier than planned or your type of training changes for another. If you work while studying, make sure that your earnings from your work do not exceed your personal earnings limit. Benefit paid unduly or erroneously may be recovered later.
When your studies end
When you have completed your studies and graduated, submit a copy of your diploma to us. The most convenient way to do this is as an attachment to a secure message in our MyPension.
If you require help in finding work after your studies are over, please contact an employment expert at the Employment Services well before you graduate.Your checklist while studying
- Ask a representative of your educational institution to fill in Ilmarinen’s study certificate on our website when your studies begin and every autumn while your face-to-face studies continue.
- Submit your tax card to us. Also remember to send a new tax card at the start of each year.
- Contact us if changes occur in your studies.
- Claim reimbursement of expenses in our MyPension service.
- Send a copy of your diploma to us when your studies end.
- Contact your rehabilitation specialist if you have questions related to your studies.
Submit your tax card to us
During vocational rehabilitation, we will provide you with rehabilitation allowance or cash rehabilitation benefit and on top of that the rehabilitation increment. Both benefits are income subject to tax and we require a benefit tax card or pension tax card in order to pay them. We cannot use a salary tax card when paying a benefit or pension.
You can check the decision you received to see what benefit you will be paid and what the amount of benefit is. Based on this information, you can calculate your tax percentage at the address vero.fi.
Submit to us
- a tax card calculated for a benefit, when you receive rehabilitation allowance or rehabilitation assistance from us
- a tax card calculated for pension, which takes into account the amount of rehabilitation increment when you receive cash rehabilitation benefit and rehabilitation increment from us.
When you apply for a tax card, select Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company as the payer of the benefit. That is the most convenient way for us to receive your tax information and it ensures that your payments are up to date.
If you do not send us a tax card, we will withhold tax on your rehabilitation allowance at the rate determined in the decision of the Tax Administration. In that case, we will withhold 40% tax on pension and rehabilitation increment. Once we receive your tax card, we will update the information and refund any excess tax into your account.
Read more about the payment and taxation of the rehabilitation allowance.
Your rehabilitation specialist is always happy to help.
Did you get a positive decision on rehabilitation?
When you have received a positive preliminary decision from us, you can start planning your rehabilitation.
Read more about the positive preliminary decision -
Did you get a negative decision on rehabilitation?
If you received a negative decision, you can explore other options for returning to work.
Read more about negative decision -
Did you get a decision of rehabilitation allowance or rehabilitation increment?
When your rehabilitation decision is positive, order a new tax card.
Read more about rehabilitation allowance payment and taxation -
Are you dissatisfied with your rehabilitation decision?
If you are not satisfied with the rehabilitation decision you received from us, you can appeal it.
Read more about appealing against the decision