What steps are involved in your vocational rehabilitation with Ilmarinen?

The objective of vocational rehabilitation is to enable you to continue working in a job that suits your health for as long as possible. Read about the steps involved in your vocational rehabilitation with Ilmarinen.

  1. 1. Apply for vocational rehabilitation online

    • You can apply for vocational rehabilitation in MyPension service. You need a Medical Statement B to attach to your application.
    • If you have had an occupational health negotiation with your manager and an occupational health physician, please attach a memorandum of the negotiation to your application.
    • You can enter the information concerning your rehabilitation plan in your application. If you do not have a plan yet, just apply for vocational rehabilitation and send the plan to us later.

    Read more about applying for vocational rehabilitation

  2. 2. You receive a vocational rehabilitation decision from us

    • We will send the decision to you by post. It will also be available in MyPension service.
    • If you receive a positive decision, it will be in force for 10 months.
    • The decision includes an estimate of how much rehabilitation allowance you will receive and the contact information of your dedicated rehabilitation specialist.
    • If you receive a negative decision, you should find out about your eligibility for rehabilitation provided by Kela, for example.

    Read more about the preliminary decision on vocational rehabilitation

  3. 3. Make a rehabilitation plan

    • If you did not make a rehabilitation plan when applying for rehabilitation, make one immediately once we have provided you with a positive preliminary decision. In any case, make the plan within 10 months of receiving the decision.
    • If your plan is ready, send it to us via MyPension service.
    • If you need help in drawing up your rehabilitation plan, contact your rehabilitation specialist. We can look into the options together and, if required, we will designate a career coach to help you.
    • Once your rehabilitation plan is ready, send it to us via MyPension service. If you make your plan together with a career coach, he or she will send your plan to us.

    Read more about vocational rehabilitation options
    Read more about the rehabilitation plan
    Read more about the services of a career coach

  4. 4. We assess your rehabilitation plan

    • Once we have received your plan, we will assess its suitability for your state of health, its appropriateness in your situation and whether it supports your return to work or ability to cope at work. We will also assess your chances to find employment after vocational rehabilitation. The objective is to enable you to continue working in a job that suits your health for as long as possible.
    • We will contact you or your career coach about the plan.
      • If we can support the rehabilitation plan you have suggested, we will instruct you about what to do next.
      • If we cannot support the plan you have suggested as vocational rehabilitation, we will try to find an alternative solution together with you.

    Read more about the rehabilitation plan

  5. 5. Send the documents required for paying the rehabilitation allowance

    We will require the following documents from you for paying the rehabilitation allowance:

    • Work trial and job coaching
      • Work trial or job coaching agreement
        • Once we have approved your plan on a work trial or job coaching, we will send an agreement to your employer by post. Fill in the agreement and return it to us.
    • Studying
      • Study certificate when the studies begin
        • Also send the study certificate always in August as long as your studies last.
      • Transcript of records if requested by us
    • Apprenticeship
      • Apprenticeship
      • Study certificate
      • ‘Employer’s application for rehabilitation allowance’ form
    • Support for business activities
      • Business subsidy application
      • Business plan and profitability calculation, if requested by us
  6. 6. We will pay you rehabilitation allowance for the duration of your vocational rehabilitation

    Once we have received confirmation that your rehabilitation will start as specified in the schedule, you will receive a decision on your rehabilitation allowance from us.

    • You will start receiving the rehabilitation allowance when your rehabilitation, for example a work trial or studies, begins.
    • You will get the first instalment within about two weeks of when your work trial or vocational retraining starts. After that, the rehabilitation allowance for each month will be paid into your account on the first banking day of the month.

    • We will not pay you the rehabilitation allowance during the period when you are drawing up your rehabilitation plan.

    Read more about the rehabilitation allowance

  7. 7. Send your tax card to us

    • The rehabilitation allowance is taxable income, and we require your tax card for paying it.
    • Always send us a new tax card at the turn of each year; we do not receive the information from the tax authority automatically.

    Read more about the payment and taxation of the rehabilitation allowance

  8. 8. Claim reimbursement of expenses in MyPension service

    • During your vocational rehabilitation, you will probably incur costs for housing, travel or studies. We will provide you with compensation for these. You can claim reimbursements of expenses in MyPension service.

    Read more about reimbursements of expenses

  9. 9. Always inform us of any changes in the course of your rehabilitation

    • Contact your rehabilitation specialist, if your situation changes during your rehabilitation. Contact him or her if
      • you are on sick leave for more than a week
      • your studies or your work trial are delayed
      • your studies or your work trial are interrupted.
  10. 10. When your rehabilitation ends

    • If you completed a work trial or job coaching, assess its success together with your employer. Send the assessment to us.
    • When you have graduated from your studies, send a copy of your certificate to us.