Private customer’s MyPension service

In MyPension service you can take care of your pension and rehabilitation matters. The service is currently available in Finnish, Swedish and English.

E-service in the MyPension service

Log in to the MyPension service with your Finnish online banking credentials or a mobile certificate.

You can check your pension record in our MyPension service anytime and at the same time opt for the electronic record instead of a printed letter. As a pensioner, you will see your work history for the past five years instead of the pension record.

The MyPension service’s pension calculators help you estimate how much pension you will receive if you do not receive pension yet.

When you apply for pension or rehabilitation in the MyPension service, we can process your application faster. If you can not apply for pension online, you can file an application using the forms at the end of this page.

When you are paid pension or a benefit, you can also see the amount of pension and the payment date on the service. If you need to, you can also print out a certificate that shows the pension amount.

What pension matters can I take care of in the MyPension service?

As a pension recipient you can

  • Check and print out a certificate that shows the pension amount
  • Increase your tax percentage
  • Send messages and attachments
  • Change your contact details and bank account number
  • Apply for pension
  • See pension decisions
  • See pension payment details
  • Order a new earnings-related pension card

If you are not drawing a pension you can

  • Apply for pension and keep track of the processing of the application
  • Check your pension record and make correction requests
  • Opt for an electronic pension record
  • Make pension estimates and check your retirement age
  • Send messages and attachments
  • Change your contact details

If you are self-employed and you have YEL insurance with Ilmarinen, you can switch from the MyPension service to the self-employed person’s online service with the buttons 'Oma eläketurva' and 'Oma vakuutus'.

Go to the MyPension service

What matters related to vocational rehabilitation can I manage in the MyPension service?

  • Apply for vocational rehabilitation
  • Draw up a rehabilitation plan
  • Send messages and attachments
  • See a rehabilitation allowance estimate
  • Check your pension record
  • Change your bank account information
  • View decisions
  • Increase your tax percentage
  • Claim reimbursement of expenses

Forms for taking care of pension and rehabilitation matters

When filling out the forms, we recommend that you use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your browser. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer's technology does not support all of the functionalities of our site.