Old-age pension

You can retire on old-age pension at any point after you have reached your lower retirement age. The longer you work, the larger your pension will be.

Retiring on old-age pension

Retiring on old-age pension is easy. Before retiring, you can estimate the amount of your future pension using the pension calculator and decide if it would be a good idea for you to retire later. You can also consider the possibility of retiring on a partial old-age pension.

When you know the date of our retirement, terminate your employment relationship and file a pension application. Pension does not begin automatically.

Apply for old-age pension in the MyPension service by filling in the old-age pension application.

Log in to the MyPension service

Beginning of old-age pension

Your old-age pension can begin at the earliest at the beginning of the following month after you have reached your lower old-age pension age and your employment relationship has ended. You can apply for old-age pension retroactively for a maximum of three months.

If we do not have all the necessary information, such as the latest earnings information or the end date of employment, we will issue a provisional pension decision, based on which the pension will be paid into your account. Once we have all the necessary information, you will receive a final pension decision. The amount of your pension may change in connection with the final decision, if, for example, your employer reports more earnings.

Pension is taxable income, so you must apply for a pension tax card from the tax authority. Order the tax card after receiving the provisional decision.

Amount of old age pension

The amount of old-age pension is the pension accrued by the beginning of the pension. Read more about what affects the amount of pension and what pension accrues on.

An increase for deferred retirement will be calculated on the accrued pension if you choose not to start withdrawing the old-age pension right at the lower retirement age. However, no increase for deferred retirement will accrue during the months when you are paid an unemployment benefit. The increase for deferred retirement is 0.4 per cent for each deferred month. If you receive a provisional pension decision, you will not be able to see the increase for deferred retirement in it. The increase will only be added to the final pension decision.

From a disability pension to an old-age pension

Disability pension and years-of-service pension will be automatically converted into an old-age pension of the same size when you reach your lower old-age pension age. We do not make a separate decision on change. If you have worked alongside your pension, you must apply for the pension accrued for that work. If you work while on an old-age pension, you can earn as much as you like without your pay affecting your gross pension amount.

If you continue working as an entrepreneur during old-age pension, then the YEL insurance is voluntary.