Disability pension

You can be granted a disability pension if vocational rehabilitation does not help and your work ability has declined. The disability pension is sometimes informally referred to as the ’sickness pension’ or ’sick pension’.

When can I receive a disability pension?

You may be granted a disability pension if

  • you are at least 17 years old and you have not yet turned your lower old-age pension age
  • in addition, your work ability must have been reduced for at least one year due to an illness, an injury or a disability.

If your work ability weakens

If your work ability has declined or your disability is prolonged, bring the matter up with your occupational health care physician or your treating physician. You can apply to Kela for partial sickness allowance or rehabilitation that will help you cope at work or return to working life.

If the means provided by Kela do not enable you to return to work, apply to Ilmarinen for vocational rehabilitation. Vocational rehabilitation will help you continue in your job or return to it after your sick leave.

Vocational rehabilitation will help you continue in your job or return to it after your sick leave.

Read more about vocational rehabilitation

How is the decline in work ability assessed?

When assessing the decline in your ability to work, your remaining work ability is taken into account. It depends on, among other things, your age, education and your professional skills based on your work experience. Other factors considered in the evaluation are how long you did the work in question and how you performed. If you have turned 60, your work ability is assessed based on the job you have performed last.

The assessment is based on the medical statements concerning your state of health and the descriptions of your illness and coping at work that you included in your pension application.

You can apply for a disability pension in our MyPension service.

MyPension service

Amount of disability pension

A disability pension consists of two components: the pension accrued before the onset of disability and the pension for projected pensionable service. Read more about what affects the amount of pension and what pension accrues on.

Partial disability pension is half of a full disability pension.