Working while on a pension

You can work even while on a pension. Working while on a pension pays off; pension will accrue until you reach the upper age for old-age pension. As an employee, you will accrue a new pension on your earnings and as a self-employed person on your YEL income.

Pension and working

You can work as much as you like alongside your old-age pension and partial old-age pension, without it affecting the gross pension that you are drawing. If you work while on a disability or years-of-service pension, you can only earn a specific amount. To find out your personal earnings limit, check the MyPension service or contact our customer service.

If you have already worked while on a pension, you can view the income you have earned alongside your pension in the MyPension service. Remember also to apply for the new pension in due course.

You will accrue pension on your gross earnings or, if you are self-employed, on your YEL income, until the upper age for old-age pension as follows:

  • 1.5 per cent per year
  • 1.7 per cent per year for persons aged 53–62 during the transition period 2017–2025.

Example of calculating the pension accrual: A 65-year-old employee earns EUR 8,000 per year. The pension accrual rate is 1.5 per cent. The pension accrual is (8,000x1.5 %) / 12 = 10. The employee earns EUR 10 more pension per year. Life expectancy coefficient reduces the amount.

Pension insurance contributions end at the upper age for old-age pension

You can continue working even after you have reached your upper age for old-age pension. However, you will not accrue more pension for that work. Therefore, earnings-related pension contributions will no longer be deducted from your wages, which increases your take-home pay.

Impact of a pension and pay on Kela’s benefits

If you are drawing another benefit, such as housing allowance,
please note that your pension and your pay usually have an impact on Kela’s benefits. You should check this with Kela.

Taxation of pension and work

If you work while on a pension, you need two tax cards, one for your pension income and one for your earned income. We require the pension tax card to be able to withhold the right amount of tax on your pension. Submit your tax card for earned income to your employer as usual. Your final tax percentage depends on the amount of your pension income and pay and related deductions during the calendar year.

Read more about the taxation of pensions

Working during different pensions

Self-employment while on a pension

You can pursue entrepreneurial activities even while on a pension. If you continue as a self-employed person or start entrepreneurial activities while on a pension, you may require YEL insurance.