Pension from work performed abroad

When you work abroad, you are usually covered by the social security of the country in which your work. Your pension and other benefits are determined based on the legislation of the country in which you work.

How does pension accrue abroad?

When you work abroad, you are generally insured for pension in the country in which you work. This means that you earn pension as stipulated in the legislation of the country in which you work. The pension accrues in the country in which you have worked. In some countries it is also possible to receive pension based on residence. Such countries include, for example, the Nordic countries, the Netherlands, Australia, Israel and Canada.

Contact the pension institution of the country in which you are going to work or have worked to find out about the accrual and the amount of your pension.

Read about the pension systems in place in different countries and the accrual of pension on the Finnish Centre for Pensions’ website ( in Finnish)

See the pension institutions in different countries and their contact information ( in Finnish)

Where can I see the amount of pension I have earned abroad?

You can contact the pension institution of the country in which you have worked to find out how much pension you have earned abroad.

Your Finnish pension record only shows the amount of pension you have earned from work in Finland.

Are you going to work abroad temporarily, as a so-called posted worker?

If you work temporarily as a posted worker in an EU or EEA country, Switzerland, the UK or a social security agreement country and you have an A1 certificate, you accrue pension in Finland. The A1 certificate shows that you are covered by Finnish social security during your work abroad. Read more about the A1 certificate (

You accrue pension in Finland also if a Finnish employer has posted you to work in a non-agreement country. Although you have accrued pension in Finland, pension insurance contributions may also have been paid to the country of employment.

Apply for pension from abroad

When you wish to withdraw the pension that you have earned abroad, you must apply for it. Read more about applying for pension from abroad.

Information on insuring work abroad for employer and self-employed person

Read about insuring work abroad from the employer's perspective

Read about self-employment abroad