Pension decision

When we have processed your pension application, you can view the pension decision in the MyPension service. We will also send it to you by post to the address you have indicated. If you have opted for the electronic service, the decision will not be sent by post. In that case, we will send you a text message to the mobile phone number you have indicated when you have received a new decision. When you have received the decision, read the instructions below to see what you need to know in your situation.

Payment and taxation of pensions

  • Please note that the taxation of pensions is different from that of wage income. Contact the tax authority and request a new tax card for pension. You can request the tax card at or by phoning the tax authority’s service number +358 29 497 000. The tax authority will send your tax card directly to us at Ilmarinen.
  • Be sure to act quickly – without a tax card, we will be forced to withhold 40 per cent tax on your pension.
  • When we have received your tax card, we will refund any excess tax back into your account within a week, provided that the validity of the tax card begins on the date when the pension starts. You can see your tax percentage and the amount and the payment date of the tax refund in the MyPension service.
  • If you receive a new pension decision and the amount of your pension changes, check with the tax authority whether you need to change your tax percentage.
  • Going forward, we will receive the prepayment information annually directly from the tax authority, regardless of your country of residence.
  • For persons living abroad, we request the tax information directly from the tax authority. Further information on taxation is available from the tax authority: international taxation of individuals +358 29 497 024.
  • Pensions are adjusted annually using an index, and in December you can see the amount of your next year’s pension in the MyPension service. In the service, you can also easily change your contact information, raise your tax percentage and print out a certificate of your pension amount.
  • Read more about a positive pension decision

What do I do after I receive a pension decision?