Applying for pension

When you wish to retire, apply for pension. You can apply for pension in various life situations. You can fill in an application in MyPension service. This page provides instructions on how to apply for different types of pension.

File an electronic application to get the decision faster

When you apply for pension in the MyPension service, we can process your application faster. Log in to the MyPension service with your Finnish online banking credentials or a mobile certificate.

We will do our best to ensure that you get the pension decision quickly. Please fill in the pension application with care and send us the necessary attachments to ensure fast processing. We often need information from your employer and sometimes from your treating physician. When we have received all of the information we require for making a pension decision we will read it carefully. After that, you will receive the pension decision.

Applying for different types of pension

Estimated processing times for pension applications

Earnings-related pension you have applied for Which application should you fill in? When will you receive the pension decision?
Old-age pension or partial old-age pension Old-age pension application or partial old-age pension application About within one week or at the latest before the pension begins
Survivors' pension Survivors' pension application About within 2 weeks
Disability pension or cash rehabilitation benefit Disability pension application and Medical Satement B About within 2 months
Extension to the cash rehabilitation benefit Application for an extension to the cash rehabilitation benefit in the MyPension service and Medical Statement B About within one month
Years-of-service pension Years-of-service pension application, medical statement B and account of work About within 2 months

Vocational rehabilitation

If your work ability has weakened and impedes your work, vocational rehabilitation may be the primary option for you. Its objective is to allow you to continue at your work or return to work after sick leave. You can apply for vocational rehabilitation in our MyPension service.

Read more about applying for vocational rehabilitation