Pension accrual
Here you can find a compilation of information on the pension amount and pension accrual. You should monitor the accrual of your pension in the pension record available in our MyPension service. The pension calculator allows you to estimate your final pension amount.
How does earnings-related pension accrue?
As an employee, you accrue pension on your earnings and as a self-employed person on your YEL income. You may also accrue pension on unpaid periods: studies, unemployment allowance and other social benefits. The larger your salary or your YEL income, the bigger your pension.
Read more about the pension amount and its accrual
Pension calculator
The pension calculator helps you estimate your future pension amount if you do not receive pension yet. You can make pension estimates in the MyPension service.
Read more about the pension calculator and go the calculator -
Pension record
The pension record shows you your work history and the amount of pension you have accrued so far. You can check your electronic pension record in our MyPension service anytime.
Read more about the pension record -
You may accrue pension from abroad
You can accrue pension abroad primarily on work, but in some countries it is possible to receive pension based on residence only.
Read more about pension accrual abroad