When your employee retires

Your employee can choose to retire on old-age pension at any time when the lowest old-age pension age is reached. When he or she can retire at the earliest and latest, depends on his or hers year of birth.

When can an employee retire?

Your employee can retire at the earliest after having reached his or her lower old-age pension age. Alternatively he or she can continue working up until his or her upper old-age retirement age. Your employee may continue working even after that, if that is what you agree, but then you will no longer need to insure him or her under employees’ pension insurance, i.e. TyEL insurance.

You can use the calculators at Työeläke.fi to help you make pension-related estimates. Please note that the estimates generated by the calculators are indicative.

Your obligation to insure ends after the upper old-age pension age

Following the pension reform carried out in 2017, the retirement age will rise gradually. For those born in 1957, the lower old-age pension age is 63 years and 9 months and the upper old-age pension age is 68 years. The year of birth determines the retirement age.

As an employer, you are obligated to insure your employees until they reach their upper old-age pension age. Here you can check your employees’ upper old-age pension age, i.e. the age at which your obligation to insure ends. If your employee was born 

  • in or before 1957, your obligation to insure ends when the employee has turned 68
  • in 1958–1961, your obligation to insure ends when the employee has turned 69
  • in or after 1962, your obligation to insure ends when the employee has turned 70.

Follow these steps when your employee retires


Pension types

Old-age pension

Your employee can retire on old-age pension once he or she has reached his or her lower old-age pension age – or thereafter. The older your employee is when he or she retires, the larger pension he or she will receive. Your employee will submit his or her old-age pension application to Ilmarinen. Read more about old-age pension.

Partial old-age pension

While on a partial old-age pension, your employee can decide how much he or she wants to work. Employees can retire on partial old-age pension at the age of 61. In 2025, the lower age limit for partial early old-age pension will rise to 62. Read more about the partial old-age pension.

Disability pension or cash rehabilitation benefit

Your employee may be eligible for disability pension if he or she has not reached the lower retirement age and his or her work abiliity has weakened due to an illness or injury for at least a year. Your employee can be granted a fixed-term disability pension or a cash rehabilitation benefit when our assessment shows that his or her work ability will improve. The cash rehabilitation benefit is paid for the duration of rehabilitation, which is the time it will take your employee to regain his or work ability.

Read more about the disability pension and cash rehabilitation benefit.

Survivors' pension for surviving spouses and children

If your employee passes away, his or her surviving spouse and children may be granted survivors’ pension. Survivors’ pension is applied for by filling in an electronic application.

Read more about the survivors’ pension for surviving spouses and children.

Years-of-service pension

Your employee should find out about the years-of-service pension if he or she has had a strenuous and wearing career lasting at least 38 years and an illness that affects his or her work ability. It has been possible to retire on a years-of-service pension as of 1 February 2018.

Read more about the years-of-service pension.

Working while on a pension

Your employee can work as much as he or she likes alongside the old-age pension and partial old-age pension, without it affecting the gross pension paid to him or her. On a disability or years-of-service pension, your employee can only earn a specific amount. Your employee can find out about his or her personal earnings limit by logging in to the MyPension service or contacting our customer service.

Read more about working while on a pension.

The retirement age is different for each age group

Your employee can check his or her retirement age in the MyPension service.

Check your own retirement age >

Applying for pension is easy online

To apply for pension, the employee fills in the application form for the pension in question in the MyPension service.

Read more about applying for pension >