TyEL calculator
The pension cover of your employees is your responsibility. Our TyEL calculator calculates the amount of your insurance contribution. You will get a listing of your TyEL contribution due dates and you will see how the different instalment options impact the contributions.
Use the TyEL calculator to estimate the size of your contribution
You can use the calculator to estimate the size of your TyEL contribution and how deferring the due date impacts the TyEL contribution amount due to the insurance contribution interest. As a rule, the TyEL contribution falls due on the last day of the month following the payment of the wages or salaries. You can defer the due date to the second month following the payment of wages.
The TyEL calculator will calculate the insurance contribution interest up until your chosen due date. The actual TyEL contribution will be calculated based on the earnings payment reports that you submit to the Incomes Register. You can see your company’s actual TyEL contribution percentage by logging into the employer’s online service.