Current topics
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News and articles

Pensioner living abroad, answer the country of residence enquiry
We annually check the information of our pension recipients living abroad, such as their address, because the changed information may have an impact on the payment of the pension.

Ilmarinen's Financial Statements 2024: The return on investments was 8.6 per cent, or EUR 5 billion – solvency strengthened and efficiency improved
Ilmarinen’s return on investments was 8.6 per cent, and cost-effectiveness was further improved. Premiums written grew by 2 per cent and operating expenses financed using loading income fell by 2 per cent.

Earnings-related pension insurance contributions for 2025 confirmed
The Ministry for Social Affairs and Health has confirmed the earnings-related pension insurance contributions for 2025. The average contribution for employer’s pension insurance (TyEL) is 24.85 per cent of the payroll in 2025.
Trainings, seminars and events for our customers
Did you know that we offer a wide variety of trainings, seminars and events as free of charge customer benefits? You can take a closer look at our events on our Finnish website. Please note that all our events are currently held in Finnish.
See our upcoming events