For financial administration professionals
Our website includes instructions related to TyEL and YEL insurance, calculators and up-to-date payment information. You can sign up for free training events or webinars and receive the phone numbers of Ilmarinen’s specialists.
This is how to take care of your client's pension matters
Company's TyEL matters
You can easily take care of TyEL matters on online service.
We use the Suomi.fi e-Identification service in our online service. This means that you are able to log in to our service using your personal online banking codes or a mobile certificate even when you are handling your company’s matters. For that purpose, you need either a register role or a Suomi.fi mandate. Read instructions for getting mandates.
When you have your mandates, log in below.
Self-employed person's YEL matters
For taking care of self-employed person's YEL matters you need a Suomi.fi-mandate called YEL-vakuutus- ja -maksutietojen käsittely. Read more instructions for getting mandates.
When you have a power of attorney, you can handle YEL matters by phone at our customer service. In the future, you can handle your TyEL insurance matters with the same authority in our online service as well.
Looking for information on these?
Social insurance contributions
Employers are in charge of their employees’ pension cover and other social security.
Read about the contributions -
TyEL insurance for the employer
TyEL insurance secures employees’ pensions.
Read about TyEL insurance -
YEL insurance for the self-employed
YEL insurance provides security for the self-employed and their family.
Read about YEL insurance
Log in to our free-of-charge online service! It gives you a comprehensive overview of the situation of your company’s and customer’s TyEL insurance contributions. You can see quickly at a glance the size of your employer customer’s client bonus.
You can easily update your employer customer's current payment matters once they have authorised you to do so. You can, for example, sign payment agreements, defer contribution due dates and calculate the impacts of interests.
You can quickly print out a contract certificate, i.e. a certificate on paid insurance contributions, for your employer customer. In the service, you can also find other certificates that are important for employers, fill them in and send them to your customer.