Automated decision-making

Ilmarinen uses automated decision-making when processing matters. Read more about what that means on this page.

Automated decision-making at Ilmarinen

At Ilmarinen, automated decision-making is based on the Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003) and the Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019). According to the Administrative Procedure Act, an authority can use automated decision-making in a matter that does not involve facts requiring case-by-case consideration or which involves facts requiring case-by-case consideration that have been assessed by an official or another processor in the matter. The decision-making must be based on the processing rules drawn up on the basis of applicable law and prior consideration as referred to in the Act on Information Management in Public Administration.

Ilmarinen makes its decisions in accordance with employment pension legislation and the Administrative Procedure Act, and in the automation of decisions complies with the requirements stipulated in the Act on Information Management in Public Administration. A deployment decision is made when automated decision-making will be used to process a matter. More detailed information on automated decision-making at Ilmarinen is available in each deployment decision.

Deployment decision-specific information


Old age pension decision