Ilmarinen's key figures

The table below compiles our key figures in terms of managing pension cover.

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
EUR million
6,558.0 5,922.0 5,220.5 5,758.3 5,409.9
Pension paid,
EUR million
6,606.0 6,309.1 6,115.6 6,077.8 5,698.4
Operating expenses
covered by loading
income, EUR million
99.1 126.5 118.7 130.2 148.8
Ratio of operating
expenses to expense
loading components,
% 1)
63.1 75.1 73.3 70.5 83.2
Technical provisions,
EUR million 2)
45,197.8 46,003.8 43,538.8 42.150.1 40,625.7
Solvency capital,
EUR million* 2)
11,777.3 16,539.1 12,542.3 10,791.8 8,917.7
*in relation
to solvency limit
1.7 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.6
Pension assets,
EUR million* 3)
57,505.1 61,656.1 54,014.2 51,342.1 46,473.8
*% of technical
provisions 3)
125.8 136.7 130.2 126.6 123.7
Investments at
current value,
EUR million
56,264.2 60,772.9 53,284.1 50,527.8 46,024.0
Net return on
EUR million
-4,009.4 8,086.0 3,528.5 5,375.4 -641.6
ROCE, % -6.6 15.3 7.1 11.8 -1.4
Pensioners 458,512 455,775 458,401 459,932 459,993
TyEL payroll,
EUR million
24,924.2 22,874.4 21,505.3 21,923.2 20,568.0
YEL confirmed
EUR million
1,705.5 1,677,4 1,676.3 1,678.2 1,682.5
TyEL insurances 4) 61,084 64,436 69,386 70,491 73,370
Insuder under TyEL 611,380 591,197 555,029 609,862 624,800
YEL insurances 75,240 76,781 76,147 76,063 74,443
31 Dec
588 596 628 614 649


1) Due to the change in premium rates affecting the expense loading component, the ratio of operating expenses to expense loading components for 2015 - 2016 is not comparable with the figures of previous years. In addition, Ilmarinen and Elvira merged in the beginning of 2018; the comparison data for 2015 - 2017 only includes Ilmarinen's figures.
2) Calculated according to the regulations in force at any given time.
3) Technical provisions + solvency capital in accordance with section 11, item 10, of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health's decree (614/2008.) Until 2016, technical pro-visions + valuation differences.
4) Insurance policies of employers with insurance contracts