Electronic YEL invoice

Electronic invoices arrive quickly and are environmentally friendly. The invoices can be sent directly to the company’s invoice handling system or to your own online bank. Electronic invoices are also easy to archive.

Switch over to using online invoices or e-invoices

If you wish to switch from paper invoices to electronic invoices, you can choose an online invoice or an e-invoice. Online invoices will be sent to your company’s invoice handling system and e-invoices will be sent to your personal online bank.

Choose which one you want to read more about.

  1. You will begin receiving online invoices once you agree on it with your online invoice operator. Operators include banks and companies specialised in online invoices.

    When you wish to begin receiving online invoices from us, follow these steps:

    1. Conclude an agreement on receiving online invoices with the online invoice operator of your choosing.
    2. If necessary, get online invoicing software.
    3. Start receiving YEL invoices as online invoices from us in the future. We will retrieve your company's online invoice address from the online invoice address registry (verkkolaskuosoite.fi).

    For more information on the online invoice, contact your operator. We deliver electronic invoices according to the European standard on e-invoicing in the Finvoice 3.0 format.

  2. E-invoices will be sent to your personal online bank.

    Go to ’e-invoices’ in your online bank and order Ilmarinen’s YEL invoice as an e-invoice to your bank. Select “YEL CONTRIBUTION” as the invoicing subject. Also include your YEL insurance policy number in your order. An e-invoice contains the same information as a paper invoice.

    Once you switch over to using e-invoices, the next invoice you receive from us will probably be an e-invoice.

    In most online banks, you can choose between the following payment methods:

    • direct debit – the payment will be automatically debited from the account on the due date
    • separate approval – the payment will not be debited from the account until you have approved it.

    Invoices are archived in the online bank for about a year, depending on the bank. Most banks offer a service where you will receive notices of new e-invoices by email or SMS (a banking service subject to a charge).

Receive YEL invoices to your company automatically as online invoices

Starting in spring 2024, you will receive your YEL invoices automatically as an electronic online invoice instead of paper if the payer of your invoices is a company and your online invoice address can be found in the address registry of the Finnish E-invoice Address Service (TIEKE). The information in the online invoice address registry is maintained by Finnish online invoice intermediaries, i.e. operators and banks.

Starting at the end of spring, we will gradually switch from paper YEL invoices to online invoices. The change will take place automatically, and you will be informed of it ahead of time via text message or email. In Ilmarinen’s online service for the self-employed, you can verify that your phone number and other contact details are up to date.

Read about how the change will affect you and what you need to do below.

You will receive your invoices as before in paper format if your choice so far has been paper invoicing. But perhaps you could consider whether electronic invoicing would be easier for you?

  • If you pay your YEL invoices from your personal bank account, you can order an e-invoice through your bank.
  • You can also, at any time, change the payer of your YEL invoices to your company and change to receiving YEL invoices as online invoices in future. Notify us of a change in the payer of your invoices in the online service for the self-employed, under. ‘My YEL contact information’.


You will receive your invoices as online invoices as before.

However, be sure to inform us of any changes, for instance, if your online invoicing address changes or your operator changes to a bank or your bank changes to an operator.

Let us know by sending a message about the matter in the online service for the self-employed, as we do not automatically receive information about changes.

You will receive e-invoices as you have so far.

You will receive your invoices in paper format as you have so far. Would you be interested in starting to use online invoicing in your company? More information on activating online invoicing is available, for instance, from online invoice operators, your bank or your accounting firm.

You can check on the website verkkolaskuosoite.fi to see if your company has an online invoice address and which operator or bank transmits your online invoices. All you need is your company’s business ID or name.

If you find the online invoice address for your company, you can get more information from your operator or bank, for instance, about whether your online invoice address is valid.

In future, we will send your YEL invoices to your company as online invoices. We will make the change among our customers gradually starting this spring. The change will take place automatically, and you will be informed of it ahead of time via text message or email. In Ilmarinen’s online service for the self-employed, you can verify that your phone number and other contact details are up to date.

You can also notify us if you want to continue to receive YEL invoices in paper format. Send us a message in the online service stating that you would like to continue using paper invoicing.

  • Log in to the self-employed person’s online service using your bank codes or a mobile certificate. Click on the ‘Send message’ icon and select ‘invoicing/payments’ as the topic. Write a free-form message and send it to us.

You will receive your YEL invoices as online invoices automatically if:

  • your company has two online invoice addresses – one online invoice intermediary is an operator and the other is a bank – in which case you will receive your online invoice from the operator.
  • your company has two online invoice addresses, one of which has a specifier and the other does not. You will receive your online invoice to the address that does not have a specifier.

You will not automatically receive an online invoice if, in verkkolaskuosoite.fi, your company has the same two online invoice addresses for two different operators.  However, you can let us know which of these two operators you want to use to receive your YEL invoices, in which case we will send your YEL invoice automatically as an online invoice as requested by you. You do not need to notify us of a change if operator A changes to operator B.

You can also notify us if you want to continue receiving paper invoices.

  • Send us a message about it via the online service in a secure message. Log in to the self-employed person’s online service using your bank codes or a mobile certificate. Click on the ‘Send message’ icon and select ‘invoicing/payments’ as the topic. Write a free-form message and send it to us.

Are you also an employer?

You can also receive your TyEL insurance invoices in electronic format.

Read more about switching over to electronic TyEL invoices >